
Users may consult the documents kept in Fondazione Roma’s Historical Archive subject to obtaining authorisation from the Superintendent of Archives for Lazio, pursuant to article 127, paragraph 1 of the Legislative Decree number 42 dated 22nd January 2004 “Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code, pursuant to article 10 of Law number 137 dated 6th July 2002” (published in the Official Gazette number 45 dated the 24th February 2004, Ordinary Supplement number 28) and subsequent amendments. Users must complete the application form, which is available on the institutional website of the Superintendency.

The Superintendent’s letter of authorisation must be submitted to the Historical Archives together with theapplication form to consult the records in which, as well as their personal details and academic qualifications, users must declare to know and abide by the both the Rules of the Historical Archives and the laws in force concerning access to data and documents (Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct regarding the Processing of Personal data for Historical Purposes), and specify the theme and the purposes of their research.

The authorisation is valid for one year starting from the date of application and refers to the theme for which it has been requested. When the permission expires and should users need to perform research in an unauthorised field, the bureaucratic procedure must be repeated by submitting a new application for authorisation to the Superintendent of Archives for Lazio and a new application for access to the Historical Archives.

The documents required to perform the authorised research may be consulted subject to their state of preservation. Users may request a maximum of three items (envelope, folder, dossier, special format document) per day by completing the application form.

Authorised users may photocopy the documents they consult unless they are bound, easily perishable, larger than A3 paper or complete archival series, by completing the application form.
Should the documents per copied for publication, users are obliged to submit an application form in which they declare to comply with the copyright laws and to cite the Historical Archives as the source.

Users undertake to a deposit a copy of the results of the research in the Historical Archives.

The Reference Room may be accessed by appointment on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30 to 12.30 a.m..
For information and research or to submit the duly completed and signed forms together with enclosures and to make appointments, please contact:

GARELLO Francesca – PASTINA Nicola
tel. 06.697645414