24.04.12 For economic growth. The anti-corruption bill

Rome, 23rd April 2012
Fondazione Roma
Palazzo Sciarra
Via Marco Minghetti, 17

The conference entitled ‘For economic growth. The anti-corruption bill’ was held on the 23rd April 2012 in the conference hall of the Fondazione Roma that organised the event in association with the Court of Accounts, the European Commission and the publication ‘Diritto Comunitario e degli Scambi Internazionali’.

The event is part of the activities performed by the Foundation’s think tank, which aim to investigate the major contemporary socio-economic themes. Following the World Social Summit devoted to global fears (2008), the International conference entitled ‘The Mediterranean: Gateway to the East’, the meetings concerning the Big Society (2010-2011) and the conference ‘Could Italy leave the Euro?’ (2011), the Foundation addresses the fight against corruption in an ethical as much an economic perspective, by also examining the relative Bill currently under debate. In times of budget crises and heavy sacrifices enforced on to citizens, a battle against corruption and waste becomes inevitable in order to relaunch the economy.


Emmanuele Francesco Maria EMANUELE
Professor of Public Finance and Economic Policies
In the Università Europea di Roma,
Chairman of Fondazione Roma

Filippo Patroni Griffi
Minister for the Civil Service and Simplification

Luigi Giampaolino
President of the Court of Accounts

Sergio Santoro
President of the Authority for the supervision of public contracts