Values and Mission

Chaired by Professor Emmanuele F. M. Emanuele the Fondazione Roma is no longer a grant making Foundation since it has adopted the operative model. This model allowed the Foundation to develop an independent planning ability that relates to and intersects with other leading local institutions, including the City of Rome and relative district together with the neighbouring provinces of Latina and Frosinone, in order to design projects that have a considerable social impact in five main sectors: Health, Scientific Research, Aid to the Underprivileged, Education and Arts and Culture. These are the sectors in which the Foundation directly or through the institutions which it has created operates its own projects, largely on a long term basis.

The main self managed projects are: the Hospice which assists individuals with a short life expectancy and patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Alzheimer; the Scientific Research projects aplying the peer review methodology; Masters; the Think Tank activity focused on economic and sociopolitical issues.